FAQ when using Euresys MultiCam with GrabLink frame grabber

When using Euresys MultiCam, there are some tricks which perhaps were not mentioned in manual.

1.How to set COM port?

Open MultiCam, Click Menu Tool -> Board Information.

Input any COM port number that was not used by other applications, and press Enter.

Then this COM port will be registered. No need to restart PC and you can use this port to communicate with camera.

If any error occurs, try to run MultiCam as administrator.


2. How to run DECA mode.

Ensure to use MultiCam Version 6.15 or newer.  8Tap 10Bit mode is added after Version 6.15.

And DECA mode can be only loaded at very start after PC boot, because normal mode and DECA mode use different Firmware, you cannot switch them until reboot PC.

So right steps are:

a. Start PC

b. Run MultiCam and select camera file of DECA configuration

c. Select DECA_MODE in Topology:

And after that, when setting COM port, you should also use Board Topology of MONO_DECA:


3. How to show color image when connection Bayer camera.

Switch setting in camera file:

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