1. Download eBUS SDK Companion Package. Choose proper version to match eBus SDK/Player you are using.
2. Capture images in eBus Player or any sample program, and execute ebPCAPRecorder64.exe.
3. ebPCAPRecorder64.exe. will record packets at background and save *.pcap file to same folder.
4. Open *.pcap, you will find many UDP packets.
5. Right click one of the many UDP packets and choose "Decode as".
6. Choose "GVSP" in "currect" colomn, and "Save":
7. Now wireshark will display all similar UDP packets as GVSP packets unless it is a real UDP packet.
Command line options for ebPCAPRecorder64.exe:
bPCAPRecorder64 [OPTION]
Records packets that are sent from a network interface and received by a PCAP file
PCAP path/file name to store the recorded packets.
If the file name is not provided, you are prompted to provide one. If the file already exists, it is automatically replaced.
Name of the network adapter that records the packets.
The network adapter must have the eBUS Universal Pro driver installed. If you do not enter a name:
-If there is only one adapter with the eBUS Universal Pro driver installed, the program automatically selects a network adapter.
-If there is more than one adapter with the driver installed, provides an interactive list from which you can select a name.
The current acquisition mode used by the system.
The following modes are supported:
fixednumberofpackets - Records a finite number of packets and stops the acquisition automatically. With this mode, the system pre-allocates memory to reduce the impact on the packet stream.
continuous - Records continuously.
The system fills the available memory with packets until you send a command to stop recording packets.
This mode allocates memory at run time.
circular - Performs circular buffering in memory.
Continuously records to a circular buffer of data in memory to keep only the most recent packets.
Truncates each packet to a maximum number of bytes to limit resource usage. In most cases, the beginning of each packet includes enough information to analyze any issues.
The value must be between 32 and 65535. Default = 200.
When using fixednumberofpackets mode, the numberofpackets represents the number of packets that are recorded before the system automatically stops recording/streaming. The system may exceed this number, but will ensure this number of packets is recorded (at a minimum).
When using continuous or circular mode, the numberofpackets parameter is ignored.
The value must be between 512 and 1024000. Default = 1024.
When using circular mode, the buffersize represents the number of bytes used in the circular buffer.
When using fixednumberofpackets mode, this parameter is ignored.
When using continuous mode, this parameter is ignored.
The value must be greater than or equal to 1024000.
Default = 1024000.